
But it was so artistically done
But it was so artistically done

They're all cult classics, but when they actually came out, every one of them had abyssmal sales. Games like Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill 2, Okami, even Psychonauts none of these sold exceptionally well. RPGs are the only real exception to this rule, if you consider any of them emotionally deeper than a tide pool. Emotionally deep stories don't typically sell well. Personally I wouldn't put MGS series on that list, as it's story wanders into completely bonkers land repeatedly, and meanders about trying to teach a moral that doesn't really exist, past "War is bad, mm'kay?" Maybe had 2 and 4 never existed I'd be more open to the idea, but both goes games damned the franchise from being taken seriously.Īnyway, back on subject, there is one strong, and sad, reason for this typically. So far, that has been the exception to the rule. I want the compelling characters, meaningful plots, and artistic ambition that is the status quo for other art forms. Heavy Rain supposedly elevates video games into the realm of art, but make it into a movie and you've got your run-of-the-mill thriller.

but it was so artistically done but it was so artistically done

God of War's haunted Kratos doesn't hold a candle to Robert DeNiro's disturbing loner in Taxi Driver. It's certainly fun.but why can't the characters have depth and the game have something to say?Įven the games with decent storylines are nothing special when you compare them to other media. "That's a shitload of locusts." "More like ten shitloads." This is a story about brainless meatheads carving monsters up with chainsaws. What atmosphere! The acclaimed Saving Private Ryan adopted a similar visual style.Īnd then you get to the script. The graphics effectively portray a world that is on its last leg, nearly consumed by war. Gears of War and its sequel seem to have a distinct visual style, that of a hopeless wasteland of grays and browns.

but it was so artistically done

Most games never get beyond the action movie mentality, in which the storyline is merely a clothes hanger for the amazing graphics and the gratuitous violence. Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of Colossus, Silent Hill 2.I'm already running out of names.

but it was so artistically done

But I've only played a handful of games that even attempt to have the depth or artistic ambition of a decent book or film. And don't reply to this saying this game sucks or you didn't mention this game because that's not what this is about. Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Bros., Halo, Half-Life, Sam and Max.I could spend this post naming them.

But it was so artistically done